"Can a solar generator charge my electric vehicle?" It's a question that may have crossed your mind if you're an eco-conscious driver looking to reduce your carbon footprint. The short answer is: yes, a solar generator can charge your electric vehicle!
Overall, solar generators can be a good choice for people who are looking for a clean, quiet, and convenient power source that does not require fuel. However, they may not be as powerful or reliable as gas generators in some situations.
To determine the size of the generator you need to run your refrigerator, you will need to consider the power requirements of the refrigerator and the size of the generator.
Boondocking can take place in a variety of settings, such as in national forests, on public land, or on private property with the owner's permission. It is a popular option for those who want to enjoy the outdoors and the freedom of RV travel while minimizing costs and relying on their own resources.